Gallery - Tailgates & Boots Repaired

The repair methods for removing dents on the Tailgates or Boots of a vehicle follow a similar process to the bonnet. These panels are often constructed with steels and alloys that differ from the rest of the car. It's also not uncommon for these areas to be double or triple-skinned, making these repairs an immediate challenge for any Paintless Dent Repairer.

The dents commonly found on these panels come from a variety of day-to-day accidents: backing into an object that was in the driver's blind spot, opening the Boot onto a low-hanging roller door, or dropping the Tailgate of a ute onto something. If you're looking for expert repairs for any annoying dents, dings or creases you have on your rear panels, Erasadent's technicians will meet any challenge head on. Call Erasadent today - Adelaide's most experienced team of paintless dent repairers.